March, 8th: International Women’s Day after “One Billion Rising”

mimosa 3In Italy  and in many parts of the world INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY is celebrated on March,8 annually. On this day men can give a blossoming yellow mimosa – symbol of female solidarity – to their partners, friends, co-workers and family or significant others, colleagues, mothers and sisters  to honour  women in general on “their day”.

It is a day that reminds  of Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day on which women can play the role of the adored goddess at least for one day.

Throughout the decades the political and social roots of this national holiday have faded away which celebrates two  events that took place outside of Italy: in  the United States of America and in Russia.

Historically  on that date in 1857 female garment workers in New York City USA, went on strike, which led to the first women’s union in the United States.

Sixty years later in Russia, during the Russian Revolution, Russian women also organized a strike, calling for “bread and peace”.

After the Second World War the Union of Italian Women declared this special date, March 8th,  a holiday on which women’s achievements and womanhood  are celebrated.

Almost seven decades  later equality is still has not been reached, as a matter of fact violence against women is still rising.

One day of honoring women’s achievements is certainly not enough and my hope and the hope of One Billion Rising is that women are celebrated and honoured for  the 364 remaining days  of the year. And as Natalie Gyte criticized, supporters of this movement proposed that men should be included in the campaign since violence is not a gender issue.

What shall we do?

Perhaps it is time to create a new paradigm of actions which allows us to leave our swampy existence of inequality, in order to be more effective against: violence, poverty and war.

One Billion Rising  might be the first step towards reaching  our goals of love, welfare and peace.

With this in mind let’s stand firmly and enjoy receiving the flowering mimosas on March 8!


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