Cinzia Th. Torrini (in the middle) author and director of the documentary
” Florence World Capital of the Artistic Crafts” Vasco Galgani President of Chamber of Commerce (right) and .Director of Florence Artistic Crafts Foundation Enrica Maria Paoletti
The waiver and the hand loom
Artisan’s hand
Pottery and the potter
Wood carving and the the wood carver
Appreciating artisanal Florentine craftsmanship is easy – just as easy as it is to appreciate Cinzia TH Torrini’s documentary “Florence: World Capital of Art and Craftsmanship,” promoted by the Florence Artistic Crafts and financed by the Chamber of Commerce http://www.fondazioneartigianato.it/torrini_firenze-capitale-mondiale-arte-artigianato.html
The film director goes straight to the heart of the matter, exalting a refinement of tasteand promoting a love of genius and beauty created by the expert hands of Florentine craftsmen. From such beauty comes forth another sort: that of a world free from the frustrations of frenetic and hectic modern life, a life that becomes increasingly more complicated and dehumanized. It’s not easy to compete in a global market whose only concern is making a profit.As a result, it becomes ever more imperative to make people aware of the importance of beauty and craftsmanship, to teach them to appreciate it as a break from the mundane world of consumerism, to invoke them to choose beauty as an alternative way of constructing a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle. This initiative was born thanks to the Chamber and to the Foundation. It falls within the framework of SUF’s “Sustainable Project” – an initiative which involves American students, their families, and their hosts in Florence. I LIKE FLORENTINE CRAFTS begins in Florence with projects initiated by current American students and with discount coupons presented in Via Giano della Bella. The initiative is projected to continue into the next semester (Fall 2014), after which the message and mission statement of I LIKE FLORENTINE CRAFTS will cross the ocean.Images, goods and products produced by Florentine artisans, so-called “ambassadors of beauty,” will make their way to various consulates and cultural institutions around the world. Acquiring a hand-made object and learning the history of its production means helping to preserve a small part of our cultural heritage; it means becoming an activist in favor of diversity, beauty, and the “shareholder” of a new nonconformist world unleashed from the bonds of consumerism. WATCH the short movie: